วันพุธที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My self again

Hi everybody I want to tell you about my dream. In the future I want to be an engineer. If I want to be engineer I would get good grades in high school, because in Thailand you get points in high school and test for entrance in university. But now I have the low grades in school. So I want to get the good grades in the newt term. The obstacle of my education is games. When I play games I play for a long time. So I don't have time to review my lesson. My grades will be bad too. Then I have conclusion. I will play game in the short time and play one time for week. So I think my grades will better than past. Bye

My self

Hi my name is Kim. I am 15 years old. In my freetime I like to play computer for many hours or read books. My favorite sport is nothing because I don't to put in an effort. I like math because it sure principle to think. When I think about it I am not bored. I don't like English becaue it is hard to remember English words. So I don't like English and any lesson that I have to remember words. Thankyou for reading my Blong. Bye everybody.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

Today have many technology such as computer ,ipod, game nitendo and else. That technology have good thing and bad thing. If use technology to work it will good But use technology to do any thing are ridiculous it will lost the time. And the some technology do not necessary such as ipod. But many young people have it be cause their think if I have I will look smart and handsome. The next problem is the fashion. The girl are wear crucial suit. The crucial suit make dangerous to the girl because when men saw that their will be aroused. The man will think the bad thing and the worst the man will rape the girl. The next problem is the food because in present have many junk food but in the past did not have junk food because the junk food comform by another country. The children are love to eat junk food. If children eat many junk food their sick such as the children drink sweet water in their blood have many sugar and when their have wound the wound hard to heal and the wound will rot.If the wound rot the doctor will cut that area.